Since the new norm requires staying inside, or in my case, watching Hallmark movies on repeat, I have realized more than ever how much I genuinely missed having spare time to curl up with a good book of my choice... emphasis on my choice, thank you very much English professors. So, here are some of my carefree, distracting novel recommendations that could offer a bit of escape during these trying times.
- A Little Something Different by Sandy Hall: A quick, fluffy, and quirky college romance that centers around a creative writing class. Sooo didn't secretly choose to major in English because of this book....
- Carry On by Rainbow Rowell: A Harry Potter fanfic come to life, modern day teen angst, and dragon wings.
- The Infernal Devices Series by Cassandra Clare: Only my all-time favorite book series. Steampunk and boys with curses, ghosts and a killer love triangle, fighting automatons with layers and layers of petticoats, these are a few of my favorite things. Just read them.
- Love and Luck by Jenna Evans Welch: A brother, sister, and internet friend take a trip to magical, rainy Ireland in search of an exclusive music festival. Self discovery, fairy forests, and a guide to love and heartbreak offer readers an adventure of a life-time with just the turn of a page.
- L.A. Candy Series by Lauren Conrad: Cue every reality show from the early 2000s, throw in the allure of overnight fame, and add a dash of bleach blonde hair and beachy tans, and you get Lauren Conrad's drama-filled, addictive series loosely based off of her own Hill's experiences.
- Me Before You by Jojo Moyes: A bubbly English read that inspires you to live boldly and with all your might. You may want to keep a tissue box at hand... just in case.
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